Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Why ?! *_*

Jawaher: Jana,honey, Dont touch my coffee.

Jana: why?
Jawaher: because its hot.

Jana: why?
Jawaher: because then you will get burnt.

Jana: why?
Jawaher: becaaauuuuse it has boiled water.

Jana: why?
Jawaher:because it tastes better when its warm.

Jana: But why?
Jawaher: because i like it that way !

Jana: why ??
Jawaher: because.. I dont know !

Jana: ...ahaa .. ok !


Jawaher: Jana, hun, dont draw on the walls

Jana: why?
Jawaher: because its not nice.

Jana: why?
Jawaher: because its sitto's wall and she doesnt like it

Jana: why?
Jawaher: because she wants her walls with no drawings

Jana: why?
Jawaher: because her taste is different than yours

Jana: why?
Jawaher: because we all have different tastes

Jana: why?
Jawaher: because we are different people with different tastes

Jana: why?
Jawaher: becauuuuse we are many and not one!

Jana: why?
Jawaher: so we can ..create diversity?

Jana: why?
Jawaher: I dont know !

Jana: Why?!
Jawaher: Ar7ameeeeni!

Jana: why??
Jawaher: Jana, do you ACTUALLY want to know or are you just repeating "why" ?

Jana:... ahaa.. ok!

*_* !!!

Jana - my 2 year old niece!

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