Monday, 31 October 2011

Classification " Taxonomy "

Nearly 2 million kinds of animals have been identified by scientists, and thousands more are discovered every year. The real total may be 10 times this number, which means that the task of locating and identifying all the world's animals will never be complete.
To make sense of this bewildering diversity, biologists use classification - a system that works like a gigantic filling system of all the past and present life on our planet.
In classification, the entire living world is divided into groups, known as Taxa. Each type of animals is given a unique scientific name, and is placed with it's closest relatives, reflecting the path that evolution is thought to have followed. 

The study of classification, known as taxonomy, has rules for the way scientific names are devised and used. Each species ha a genus name and a specific name by which it can be identified. 
In the 18th century, a botanist named Carl Linneas (1707 - 1778) laid the foundations of modern classification. 
In the classification, the species level is the basic starting point . 



From: Animals

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