Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Animal Exploitation

Innocence was never enough.
Those calls and pleas were nothing but noise, 
To those that saw nothing but their own interest in them.

They were, like everything else ..consumed by those who believed in their own superiority. 
That hierarchy that objectified the souls of the less powerful.
Be they with a soul or not mattered not so long as they are able to be of use to the superiors.

I saw death in the eyes of creatures, I prayed for mercy upon their souls.
I saw torture in the eyes of beings, I prayed for death to all in agony.

And what are humans that inflict intentional pain onto other beings?
What are humans that perform no act of mercy toward the innocent?
What are humans that depart with their sense of empathy?
What are humans without their humanity?

What are they but empty shells filled by what is more abominable than self-loathing? 

Leather Industry

Dog-Farming Industry

Animal Experimentation

Animal Experimentation

" If we are going to care about the suffering of other humans then logically we should care about the suffering of non-humans too.
It is the heartless exploiter of animals, not the animal protectionist, who is being irrational, showing a sentimental tendency to put his own species on a pedestal.
We all, thank goodness, feel a natural spark of sympathy for the sufferings of others. We need to catch that spark and fan it into a fire of rational and universal compassion." -Dr Richard Ryder