Sunday, 4 September 2011

السينيسثيزيا (Synaesthesia)

هناك ظاهرة نادرة تسمى بالسينيسثيزيا.
و هي عبارة عن رؤية الشخص للالوان او تذوقه انواع الطعم المختلفة فقط عند سماعه للصوت او الموسيقى.
و تحدث تلك المسألة كنتيجة نشاط فوق الطبيعي بين منطقة السمع، البصر و التذوق عبر الالياف الموصلة في الدماغ و بذلك قد تظهر حدّة خارقه في ذاكرة الشخص.
بشر بقدة خارقة، مو بشر ملبوسين !!

Synaesthesia is a rarely seen neurological condition which almost only %1-%5 of the population have.
It consists of an excess fiber connection between the five senses which causes the person to experience their surroundings in more ways than one.
In most cases, the connection between the motor parts in the neuro system occures only between two senses, ex: sight and sound or smell and sound.
however, synesthesia may exceed the five senses into tackling the emotional realm of an individual.
There have been a few cases reported where some people with synesthesia had a connection of more than two senses at the same time.
Many scientists speculate that synesthesia is genetically inherited .

I speculate that there are negatives to synesthesia, some of which could be the psychological connection between a sound the person loves and a color the person hates, that type of mixture is very likely to give the person confusing emotions towards both elements.
another negative is the distraction synesthesia may cause the person in the mixture of senses.

unfortunately, the individuals who have synesthesia at many times may not know it or may not understand it and for the lack of awareness around them, the individuals may feel like outcasts .

In one specific case of synesthesia, where the woman had more than two senses joined to each other, some experiments were made where she proved her extraordinary memory skills


Synaesthesia in art:
سنيسثيزيا في الفن:

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